There will be a few changes to the class schedule over the next few weeks as I take a bit of time off. Only temporary, we'll be back to the usual schedule on Monday 5 October.
Classes for the next few weeks look like this (I've highlighted days when classes are on):
Monday 14 Sept - no classes
Tuesday 15 Sept - no classes
Wednesday 16 Sept - no classes
Thursday 17 Sept - Miners Rest class going ahead as usual, 5.30pm at the Community Hall.
Saturday 19 Sept - no classes
Monday 21 Sept - no classes
Tuesday 22 Sept - Creswick class going ahead as usual, 1.15pm at the Hammon Park rooms.
Wednesday 23 Sept - no classes
Thursday 24 Sept - Miners Rest class going ahead as usual, 5.30pm at the Community Hall.
Saturday 26 Sept - no classes
Monday 28 Sept - no classes
Tuesday 29 Sept - Creswick class going ahead as usual, 1.15pm at the Hammon Park rooms.
Wednesday 30 Sept - no classes
Thursday 1 Oct - Miners Rest class going ahead as usual, 5.30pm at the Community Hall.
Saturday 3 Oct - no classes
Monday 5 October - all classes start back to regular schedule
Save these dates in your calendar. Everyone welcome to the Creswick and Miners Rest classes!
xx Lily