I'm really looking forward to getting back on the mat this year - so much so, I'm bringing our 'back to yoga' date forward to tomorrow night - yay!
Classes are drop in - so if you're planning on starting next week, don't worry. Classes don't have a structure as such across the term or year. Every class brings something a bit different to the last. I'm just itching to get back on the mat with you all.
At least for the next month or so, class prices will remain as they have for a couple of years:
$18 per casual session
$80 for five classes
$140 for ten classes
But from 1st March, there needs to be a wee increase, to meet the cost of living and fuel price rises, to the new fees of:
$20 per casual session
$90 for five classes
$150 for ten classes
Don't forget, you DON'T have to take those classes consecutively! Actually, the passes are valid for up to a year from purchase. Though it's best all round if you squeeze in as much yoga into your life as possible!
Not sure what to expect? Call me for a chat, or have a look at the Classes section of the website. I try and make these classes a good experience! I want everyone finishing the session happier and lighter and more grounded than when they arrived. I'm not the kind of person to force anyone into doing anything they're not comfortable with! I'm also very hands-off, particularly since Covid, but my feeling has always been that I should be able to use my words, not my hands to help you into a good position for your body (and mind!).
Classes are run every Tuesday at 7pm at the Attitude building on Fraser St, Clunes, but are also available to join in from your very own home! I use Zoom to stream the class to your lounge room and here's the link:
If you have any questions, I'm best reached via email ([email protected]), via Facebook messenger or by calling 0459 138 797 (though I live in a mobile blackspot, so please be patient!).
Here's to a wonderful year for all.
xx Lily